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Market Reports

The Altenex Energy Renewables Market Update Q2- 2020

The Altenex Energy Renewables Market Update Q2- 2020

The Altenex Energy Renewables Market Update is a comprehensive assessment of current power purchase agreement (PPA) pricing developments, policy updates, insights on PPA evaluation, and trends shaping the global renewable energy market each quarter.

In this report we cover:

  • U.S. PPA Price Trends
  • PJM MOPR Ruling
  • COVID-19 Impacts on U.S. Energy Markets
  • Alberta Market Overview
  • European Market Snapshot: PPA Pricing and Policy Update
  • How is COVID-19 Impacting the Renewable Industry?
  • Client Case Study: Saint-Gobain North America
  • EV Insights: A New Approach to Quantifying EV Charging Behavior
  • Regulated Market Snapshot: Georgia Power Green Tariff

…and more!

Market Snapshot

COVID-19 Impacts on US Energy Markets: What this means for power prices and PPAs

During the past month, US energy markets have seen massive upheaval with unprecedented, rapid changes to traditional fundamental price movers. The oil industry has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Prices have collapsed due to reduced global economic output. Edison’s commodity experts explain the link between oil and gas below and explore the subsequent impacts on electricity pricing and renewable PPA performance for the rest of 2020 and beyond.

How is the pandemic impacting natural gas and electricity prices?

[Available only in full report]

How are PPAs expected to perform throughout the rest of 2020 and beyond?

[Available only in full report]

Learn more about COVID-19 impacts on energy pricing and how this will impact PPA performance by requesting a copy of the full report. Available to Altenex Energy clients and to select commercial, industrial and institutional entities– request a copy by signing-up here: Quarterly Renewables Market Update
